What is Naturopathy?

Simply put, Naturopathy is considered “alternative medicine,” or “natural health.” As a naturopath, I have an advanced degree in using traditional (as in centuries old tradition, not as in “typical”) non-medical practices to help strengthen the whole being of a person. By targeting and strengthening weaknesses, we can pave the path for the body to perform its own healing, as it is designed to do.

For me, naturopathy means I look at every aspect of a person, not just their physical ailments (which is typically the first and primary concern we face), but also at all of the factors of their life that are either helping the issue at hand, as well as all of the factors that are getting in the way or even making the issue worse.

After many years in the medical field as an allied health professional, I have come to personally believe that there is a better way to handle most health concerns than to “diagnose” then “treat” the issue at hand. Many times the “treatment” is prescribed by looking at the presenting issue in isolation. But just as many times, there are other factors at play that are ignored. And while these treatments may ameliorate or put a bandaid on the problem, how well are they truly curing the concern? Or, if we “get better,” what is the cost? What side effects were sustained? What other body systems were compromised? How many of us have watched all of those prescription medication commercials on tv and cringed at the list of side effects, thinking- wow, those sound worse than the actual disease!

To be fair, I’m NOT “against” allopathic medicine. I’ve had my share of emergency room visits that served me well: stitches in my hand, a CT scan after a nasty head injury, IV fluids for severe dehydration- all of which I could not have overcome without medical intervention. My mom has gained immeasurable quality of life from her hip replacements. There is a time and place for everything. I just tend to think that, if there is a way for my body to heal itself, or to make myself feel better using certain foods or massages or stretches or vitamins, then I certainly would rather do that than take a medication or chemical remedy.

In “my world,” when a client faces some concern, we work together to discover all of the factors at play, and address what root causes we can find. It’s the opposite of what we think of traditionally: we are not “fixing” what is “broken.” I do NOT diagnose diseases, nor do I treat them. It’s not about replacing one remedy with another. It’s a completely different approach, where there is ample time to tell your story. To have someone listen to your concerns, to ask many many questions about who you are and what makes you tick and how you got to the place where you are now, and how ALL of that has brought you to your current place. And something in that place is an area you want to address and improve. We figure out what is working for you on that path to improvement, and what is working against you. What needs to change in order for you to change? To effect the change you want to see?

Many times the key is to find someone to truly listen, without judgement, with a discerning ear, to the journey you have been through, and to help you find that path that leads where you want to go. You can do this! And I will be by your side to support you in that journey. For me, that’s what it means to be a Naturopath.

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