What gods do you serve?

I was listening to a Bible podcast while driving today. The priest was reviewing Ezekiel, Chapter 14. In his interpreting and discussing the passage, the priest focused on “these men have taken their idols into their hearts” and what that meant in Biblical times, and how we can use that passage to reflect on our lives today. Regardless of your religious beliefs, stick with me here: I’d like you just to think about and reflect upon what “idols” you are serving in your life, and how that can influence your wellness.

Idols and other “gods” can take many forms. It’s not about pointing fingers, condemning others, and saying that worshiping a god from another religion is wrong/ corrupt/ punishable. Let’s look at this in less divisive and judgmental terms. Let’s interpret this as what your priorities are. Where are you putting your time and energy? What is your main focus each day? What are you devoted to? Take a good look at what you think you serve versus what you actually serve.

As for me, I try my best to serve the Lord. I read my Bible daily, attend mass regularly, pray a LOT, but there are times when my attention, my efforts, my mental resources, and even my heart are pulled away from that in other directions. As hard as I try, there are times when I serve my pockets and put income above other things. Sometimes I serve my clients, to a fault, when I should have taken a step back. Some other examples: some of my clients have realized that alcohol has become their “idol,” in that its call has become too important; its bonds are unhealthy. Some are ”married to their work” and serve their duty to their career above all else, sacrificing the health of relationships in the process. Sugar can be an idol. Overconsumption of the wrong foods can as well. So can social media, video games, and other electronic media consumption. There are parents who, through well-meaning intention, have served their children and taken them as idols into their hearts instead of forming healthy relationships and building a strong family unit

This is not to blame, to find fault, to judge. It’s an exercise in self-reflection, a time to step away a bit and just observe. To see with new eyes, from a fresh perspective, and look at what idols or gods may be calling you away from your true purpose, your well-being, your Best Self. What things are serving you and your god/ God in a positive way? What is bringing you closer to your higher self? What is propelling you forward toward your goals? To whole-ness? To complete-ness?

This is a great exercise to perform regularly. You all know I love a good reflection session! Take a look, make a chart or graph or list of how much time you have spent in the last week “serving gods.” Where do you see items that need more time? Less time? More purposeful time? How can you reallocate some of that time to make your next week better? Healthier? More fruitful? What gods/ God would you like to serve more? Where can you pull time away, to make time for what is “important” to you?

We are all broken. Imperfect. Scarred and marred. And that’s okay!! I try so hard each day to serve God, put Him first, all while knowing that I will never be perfect in my servitude, my intention, my actions. But there is also reward in my attempts, however imperfect.

Where can you find room for improvement? What shifts need to happen? How can you reallocate body/ mind/ spirit resources to achieve success?

As always, I’m here for you if you need some help with the process! Send me an e-mail and let’s talk!



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