Staying Healthy Through the Holidays

January is typically the time for health awareness to explode, and everyone has a resolution to lose weight or eat better or improve some aspect of their health. And BEFORE that is the holiday season, full of yummy, irresistible goodies, and the temptations that come along with them.

Many of us overindulge in ALL the sweets, cakes, cookies, and sugar laden goodies that have become annual traditions. Because family and friends make these only during this season, it almost begs us to gorge on goodies, since we won’t eat them again until next year.

This, inevitably, causes us to gain weight, feel sluggish, and take some backward steps on our journey to good health.

So how can we keep up our health without denying ourselves all those traditions? I for one am NOT going to miss out on our family treats (yes, Mom’s butter cookies will be in abundance this time of year!!!)

I can help!!

I’m running a “Maintain Don’t Gain” program this year to help my clients sustain their health goals (we also like to call it “bake your cookies and eat them, too”).

We’re going to work on an 80/20 rule. That is, eat 80% clean and ensure you’re fueling your body with proper macro, micro, and phyto nutrients, then choose the treats that you must have and enjoy them without guilt!

You don’t have to sacrifice the treats and sit in the corner, despondent with a salad! Eat the cookies, but limit the gorging. Have the pie, but not the whole pie. Instead of a free-for-all, make responsible choices and then enjoy those treats on your plate without guilt, knowing that you’re sticking to a goal and not gaining those regrettable holiday pounds.

You know I’m here to help! Join in the fun and let’s do this together!



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