Gut Reset: Week Three

Things are flowing right along! Only one more week of the stringent part of this program! Next week I get to reintroduce foods. Although I have to say, after three weeks of new recipes and so much healthy food that tastes really good, I don’t feel deprived at all, and I’m not craving anything in particular. Not even the cookies and snacks that my family eats while I have my “desserts” and “treats.”

Results this week: Down about 5.5 pounds, and my menopause pooch is pretty much gone!! I’m back to my old self, although quite a bit lighter.

Lyme coinfection rash is still going strong. Even spread further and at this point I’m thinking that I need to take further action specifically for the rash. I’m going to finish off this program, then move on to a Desbio homeopathic series kit (I LOVE this company and their products!!) to address the pathogens directly, since it appears my body can’t fight it on its own.

Hot flashes are starting to subside a bit. I’m not getting as many, and the ones I do have are more manageable, less intense, and over more quickly. Super yay for that!!

What I’ve learned this week: meal planning is key for me, and prepping, although I hate it at the time, is also key. I tend to wait until I’m HUNGRY before I think of eating, and by that time I’m too hungry to prepare a meal. By prepping ahead of time, I can grab a ready-made meal from the fridge and just start eating when I’m hungry. I loathe the process on prep day, but I do think I would have strayed from the plan if I didn’t do the prep work.

Goals for Week Four: Continue on the plan, and look ahead to reintroducing foods. I want to have a designated week for each reintroduction food, and plan for that accordingly in my meals. As I don’t know yet what that entails, I want to get a head start on planning just in case it takes longer than expected. Surprises could make me veer off plan, and after all this work I don’t want to chance it!

Finish line for stage one is coming up! I’m so excited, but really this way of eating is so do-able, I can easily incorporate it into my lifestyle and STAY healthy!

I’ve also had clients track my journey and become inspired to start their own programs. We’ve been working on finding the right program for them, and are in the prep phases. I’m excited to help others discover newfound health benefits- more energy, better sleep, improved mood, decreased inflammation, boosted immunity… such an amazing amount of benefits to be reaped! I can’t wait to hear how they fare in their journeys as well. Stay tuned for their progress.

And if this all has you thinking about if a gut reset might help you as well, reach out! E-mail me with your questions and let’s find a way to reach your goals! Or schedule a “quick question” meeting and we can have a quick chat about finding something that will work for you. Life is too short not to feel amazing.



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