Grand opening of my online store!! Coming soon!!

Well, my “regulars” who read my blog posts have noticed I’ve been MIA lately.

I’ve had some big things in the works that are finally nearing fruition.

After discovering a need, a hole, a hiccup in my system of serving my clients, I decided to look for a solution, hence the new project.

First, let’s back up a smidge…

One of my big issues with working with clients is compliance over time. We work on a goal, make a plan, and execute. The “honeymoon phase” goes great, we’re off and running, lots of motivation, getting results. And then, after some time, old ways start to creep back.

One way I’ve seen this is in the products I recommend. In the beginning weeks, clients want all the pills, supplements, products to replace what their customary routine entails. I work more with holistic lifestyle changes rather than bunches of pills and such, but sometimes a bit of additional supplementation is beneficial, and my client will order a vitamin or herb or supplement that I think will aid them.

It’s natural in the current climate to do some “armchair research” and purchase what looks like a “good” product, typically from Amazon or another big chain supplier. It’s easy, convenient, and mostly comes with a reasonable price tag.

The problem is that there is no vetting of these products, no quality control, no ensuring that the product has not outlived its shelf life, has not sat in a hot delivery truck or been stored in a warehouse or been poorly handled, to where the product has been compromised.

Now we have a situation where the suggested item, say a probiotic, isn’t working the way it should. My client has followed the suggestion, purchased exactly what was recommended, taken as directed, and not gotten the intended results. After all the effort, this can be disheartening, and can derail motivation to keep going.

I’ve tried to find viable solutions for this ongoing issue, and finally was presented with the idea of having my own virtual store to go along with my virtual practice.

Because I have full control here, I can offer products that are tried and true, made by manufacturers that I trust. They will be properly handled and stored to ensure they are not compromised in any way and are getting to you with full potency and efficacy. I can offer a complete array of products; I’m not limited to pills in jars, but can offer holistic solutions, including air purifiers and sleep systems and toxin free cleaning products and clean beauty and all sorts of solutions that can get clients to their goals. Everything is managed by me, so I can ensure you are getting the best solution possible with the best quality possible. And that leads to better results!

There are subscription options for my clients who don’t want the hassle of remembering to re-order products every month. There are bundles that offer a one click solution to some of the most common issues, like sleep health or gut health. All of this is done by me, curated by me, and controlled by me. And that makes it so much easier for you!!

There’s lots more specifics to come, but that’s the general “sneak peek” overview into what’s up and coming. I’m ultra excited about launching into this new way of serving you, and about seeing what you can achieve with this extra help that will be right at your fingertips!

Stay tuned!



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