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The Power of 1% Effort

This weekend wound up being one of those unplanned, crazy busy, too many things, not enough time kind of weekends. Since my weeks are …

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Magnesium Types, and Which To Use

Magnesium plays a role in over 300 processes in our bodies. And yet it is estimated that over half of Americans do not have …

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Easy Winter Cough Remedy

It’s the deep, dark winter here now; lots of cold and wind, short days, lots of time spent inside, hibernating. We’ve had some atypical …

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Bach Flower Remedies for Emotional Health

You all know I’ve based my practice upon holistic health: ensuring that we treat not only our bodies, but also our mind and spirit, …

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Why You May Need Vitamin D, and Where to Get It

We are in the throes of winter here, and, with the exception of a couple of warmer days last week, I have been in …

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Earned Indulgences Versus Cheats: How to Keep Your Health Resolutions Past January

Happy New Year! January always garners record sales in the health field. There’s a typical cycle of the “eat all the things” mentality of …

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