All About Collagen

I’m sure you’ve heard the buzz around collagen supplements and the myriad claims that different companies have made about their products. There’s a lot of good, bad, and ugly floating out there, so let’s dive in to all about collagen today. What is it? What does it do? When do we need it? What kind is best for you?

Collagen is the most abundant kind of body protein, accounting for about 30% of the protein in your body. There are over 20 different types of collagen, categorized by where they are in your body, the structure of the protein molecule, and what other cell components are mixed with it. Collagen helps your blood to clot, helps with new cell growth, provides protective organ coverings, makes up connective tissue, and provides structure, strength, and support to the body. It is found in the cornea, gut, muscles, bones, cartilage, organs, and blood vessels.

The current buzz typically centers on collagen’s role in improving hair, nails, and skin, and it’s touted for “anti-aging” properties. But collagen has also been shown to help increase bone density (research link HERE), reduce joint pain (HERE), improve gut health (HERE), facilitate weight loss (by losing fat and improving body composition- the best kind of weight loss!) (HERE), and build lean muscle (HERE).

So let’s talking about boosting that collagen. Y’all know I’m strongly a “Food-First” proponent, but for me,…. Ewww. Yuck. The top collagen foods are:

  • Beef bone broth (pork bone broth, too, to a lesser extent)
  • Skin-on chicken
  • Sardines
  • Organ meats
  • Fish skin and scales

Hungry yet?!

If you’re still ok with that, remember that your body also needs a balance of other nutrients to process that collagen-rich food and turn it into its own collagen. Collagen synthesis requires vitamin C, so eat that broccoli, berries, or citrus fruit. A wide variety of other helpers is also needed, including B vitamins, sulfur, copper, and zinc, to name a few. This is where that plant based eating comes in (read my blog post on that HERE), to ensure you’re providing a wealth of varied nutrients to your body.

If you’re like most of my clients, and prefer a supplement rather than a food source, then you’ll need to know what to look for in a quality supplement. As with all supplements, first consult your doctor to ensure there are no contraindications, and make sure you’re not allergic to any of the ingredients (some collagen supplements include shellfish, for example).

Next, make sure you get your product from a reputable source. Not something you saw only on social media. Nothing from Amazon. You want your product to be fresh, and stored responsibly to ensure its effectiveness. I’m all for Amazon, but I NEVER order vitamins or supplements from them.

Let’s go over some of the options you may see for supplements. Some will talk about the type of collagen, using Roman numerals. Type I is the most common, accounting for about 90% of the collagen in your body. It’s the type of collagen to look for in supplements for skin, hair, and nails, or anything labeled as a “beauty collagen”. You also may see some supplements with Type II collagen. These are primarily in products for joint support, joint pain, or inflammation. Type III is less frequently seen, and the supplements I’ve found typically combine this with a Type I collagen as well. Type III benefits the cardiovascular system, gut, and skin by strengthening the walls of these systems.

Other terms you’ll find include “hydrolyzed collagen,” “collagen peptides,” and “liposomal collagen.” All three of these terms just mean that the collagen in the supplement has been broken down in a way that increases its bioavailability, meaning it’s better absorbed and used by the body. All good things.

And of course, there’s an “easy button” for all this. My store has a lot of options for collagen, all curated by me, all brands I trust, all manufacturered and stored responsibly to ensure they are as effective as possible. You can see those options HERE.

Remember that I’m always here to help! If you need help choosing a collagen, or want more information to determine if this is right for you, or if you just have a quick question, you can always schedule a session with me HERE. We can even have a chat to choose specific products; after our chat I can send a curated shopping cart right to your e-mail, to make things as simple and accurate as possible!

Let’s forge that path to better health together!



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