Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

We’re in the middle of the busy holiday season now, and I’m getting a lot of “quick questions” about how to handle the stress, how to find extra energy to tackle long days, and how to improve sleep. So I figured, why not share with everyone, since we all seem to have the same concerns this time of year?!! Plus, I’m keeping this post to a minimum, so there’s less to read and you can get right back to your To-Do list!

  1. You’re probably not eating as healthy as you’d like, and grabbing fast food or quick pre-packaged options (or maybe enjoying sugary goodness left over from holiday parties). Keep down that extra inflammation by ensuring you get a daily dose of Omega-3 Fatty Acids (found in cold water fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, as well as nuts and seeds- try walnuts and chia seeds). Antioxidants are extra important to battle the extra free radicals that come with all those extra goodies. Sources include berries, green tea, and nuts. Dried fruit is a good source as well, and if you’re looking for a quick grab-and-go type food as you run through your day, a homemade GORP type trail mix made with some dried fruit and nuts is an easy health boost. Make your own, using plain dried fruit and plain nuts, no added sugars or salts and no preservatives!
  2.  Diffuse your favorite essential oils. This time of year, peppermint is popular and can add some energizing uplift to your day. Cinnamon is warming, and lavender can help bring a moment of calm into a hectic day. I have a lavender roll-on blend in my purse, and put some on the inside of my wrists between stops as I run my errands. It really helps manage my stress levels.
  3. Use a tabletop red light. Red light therapy is gaining more popularity now that people are starting to realize how much benefit there is in a treatment! I tend to hold stress in my neck and shoulders, and my infrared/red light therapy sessions make a significant difference in my pain levels. It’s also a great way to engage in some self care and schedule some down time. Which brings me to #4…
  4. Find moments for yourself. We are constantly thinking of the needs of others this time of year, which is wonderful, but we tend to neglect ourselves and deplete our energy stores in the process. And while we may not have the time to book a full spa day or even an hour’s worth of massage, we CAN find some time to spend on restoring ourselves. Even just a minute of deep breathing can help bring down our stress levels and relax some tired muscles. When hopping around between stores or errands, just sit in the car for one minute, breathe in for a count of 4, hold briefly, exhale to a count of 4. Then get back to your day. Do this each time you get in the car, before you head to your next stop. Another option is a cup of tea (green tea has those antioxidants, and herbals can do double duty as aromatherapy). Allow your hot tea to steep while you handle a quick task, then carve out some time to sit and enjoy. Inhale the wonderful aroma and the steam for an extra health boost!
  5. Maintain your routines rather than starting new ones. My “Maintain Don’t Gain” program is so popular in December because we all know we don’t have time for one more thing on our list. Why add the extra stress? Keep up with your current plan, and worry about new things in the new year. (I’m accepting new members to our MDG group throughout the month of December- head on over HERE to check that out if you want some help maintaining)

And- to make things even easier- I’ve created a “Healthy Holiday Bundle” in my store that has everything on the list: my lavender roll on, Omega 3s, antioxidants, adaptogens, and a red light tabletop lamp. You can order the bundle on one click and be on your way to a great boost, or you can pick and choose what will serve you best. You can find that all HERE.

And, as always, I’m here to help!! Schedule a quick question visit HERE if you want some individualized suggestions, or reach out for whatever help you might need.



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