Plant Based Eating: What it is, and Why You Should Try It

I’ve been a vegetarian since middle school, and have gone back and forth between that and a vegan diet for many years. Last year, doing research for my “Gut Reset” diet plan, I came across the term “plant based diet,” and started looking into what that entails. For me, this was a no-brainer switch, and, after my reset, I switched to a plant based eating plan. I’ve since had many clients switch to these food choices, with great success and immeasurable health benefits.

Why go plant based? Because it’s so good for you! We all know that eating vegetables is healthy. We’ve all heard about the benefits of Mediterranean diets, vegetarian diets, phytonutrients- plant benefits are always making news. Research has shown plant based eating can lower your risk for diabetes (research link 1), lower blood pressure (2), help with weight loss (3), keep your heart healthy and lower cardiovascular risks (4), lower your risk of cancer (5), lower your risk of stroke (6), and lower your risk of cognitive decline (7). And if none of that is convincing enough, then how about research that plant based eating can extend your life (8)?!

What is plant based eating? It means your diet consists of mostly plants. Meals include lots of vegetables, plus fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and herbs and spices. These all count as “plants.” Some plant based eaters eat meat as well, but in smaller amounts. The main dish is comprised of plants with meat as an accompaniment rather than the star on the plate.

When working with clients who want to make their diet plant based, we focus on whole, clean food and steer clear of processed food and added chemicals. We start with a whole food (“as God made it”), add other whole, natural foods, and use herbs and spices (more plants) for flavor. Protein choices would include more plants (quinoa, beans, lentils) or lean meats.

The great thing about this diet is that there are no strict rules, no counting or measuring, no complex restrictions. Just choose to eat more plants. Take that as far as you can right now. If you’re ready for a major change, jump into a complete reset. If you lose steam and your motivation is waning, back off a bit and add in what you’re craving. If you aren’t ready to commit to a big overhaul, just add a couple of plants into the diet that you’re comfortable with right now. It’s not an all-or-nothing thing, just a way to add health into your life, in whatever amount is do-able for you.

So let’s get you started with some tips on trying this at home! Here are some basics to get you going:

  1. Revamp a meal you’re comfortable with, but opt for a smaller portion of meat and increase the portion of veggies. The goal here would be half a plate of veggies, then adding in a lean protein.
  2. Swap out a breakfast cereal or processed breakfast food for a healthier grain (oats, buckwheat, barley, quinoa) mixed with a dash of nuts and seeds plus fruit. If you’re craving something sweeter, add some honey, agave, pure maple syrup, or other natural sweetener.
  3. Use a base of greens. Mixed greens can cover the bottom of your plate, then add your meal on top. There are so many of our “comfortable” meals that can be enjoyed with greens, including traditional pasta meals, rice based meals, and even the standard American “meat and potatoes”!
  4. Swap out pasta and rice for vegetables. If you’re a total beginner, just start adding some brown rice to your beloved white rice. If you’re already into brown rice, add in cauliflower rice. Move to no rice and all riced vegetables. For pasta, look for grain free options; I’ve found pasta made from chick peas, hearts of palm, lentils, quinoa, and other plant sources right in the pasta aisle at my local stores.
  5. Eat fruit for dessert. If you have a sweet tooth and need some sugar after dinner, try fruit! I find it hard to just pick up an apple when my son is eating a brownie, but there are tons of recipes out there that make a healthy, fruity dessert seem like a decadent treat. Baked apples or pears with cinnamon, drizzled with maple syrup, and served in a parfait glass is easy and yummy! On a sizzling summer evening, chunks of watermelon with ribbons of fresh mint leaves and a splash of balsamic vinegar is super refreshing. Serving a fruit dessert that looks like a restaurant dish rather than grabbing a “plain old fruit” makes it such a treat!

There are truly tons and tons of ways to incorporate healthy, plant based choices into your current lifestyle. And, as always, I’m here to help! If you just need some help to revamp a favorite recipe, we can do that! If you want a complete lifestyle plan, we can do that, too!, and everything in between! Reach out to me HERE and let’s get you going!



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