What is Iridology?

Today I wanted to go over one of the techniques I use in my consultations, as it’s something almost all of my clients have been unfamiliar with. It’s called iridology, and basically it’s the study of the iris of the eyes. We’re all familiar with biometric identifiers, from fingerprints to face ID. Iris scans are also becoming increasingly popular; Masek (2003) stated that iris recognition is one of the “most reliable and accurate biometric systems available” (citation HERE)Why? Because every single iris is different. Your right iris is totally different than your left. Identical twins have completely different irides. They are unique to every individual.

On a very basic level, think about what YOU can tell about a person based upon their eyes: what do you think of when you see dark circles? Or bags under the eyes? What about bloodshot eyes? How about a sparkle or twinkle in the eye? Laugh lines?

We use this same principle in iridology. Looking at iris color, texture, pigmentation, and many other factors (there are about 200 differentiating signs) gives information regarding a person’s constitution, tendencies, emotions, and organ structures (just to name a few!).

Take a look at these blue and green eyes. Note that they’re both full of different colors and striations and there’s just so much more there than a solid color.

Now check out this black and white photo. Look at all that structure!! See the lines? The “holes?” All that stuff that just makes an iris SO complex?!

This study of the irides is NOT a diagnostic tool. You can find countless medical research studies that have happily proved this. And really, naturopaths are not medical doctors who use testing to formulate a diagnosis and treat a medical condition. So I’m never going to look into someone’s eyes and tell them the date that they’ll have a heart attack, or let them know they have lung cancer, or toenail fungus, or high blood pressure.

What it CAN do is give me some information regarding the person I’m working with. I can better understand their constitution (sort of like your makeup, or what your body tends to do- are you more “wet” or “dry,” “cold” or “hot” and the like). I can see signs of stress, signs of emotional tendencies, and signs of different organs in the body. Alone this really tells me nothing, as signs can be past, present, or future (like a past injury that shows in the iris but healed long ago, or something your body is going through at the moment, or a sign that indicates your body may have a predisposed tendency to possibly develop issues in the future- that may or may not happen depending on your lifestyle). You can see how this is really not a diagnostic tool! That being said, it does offer some clues and insight into the whole of a person, and, used with other tools in my toolbox, it does help paint a picture of what this person is holistically.

Check out these two pics of my son’s eyes, one just after he was born, and one about seven years later. There’s a reason that we start with “baby blues” and then develop our characteristic eye color over time.

In this way, I can use the iris information I collect, along with case history, facial and tongue analysis, our lengthy conversations…. So Many Things, to formulate a picture of you as a whole. And this factors greatly into how we develop a plan to move you forward to better health and work on your goals of weight loss (how your body will lose weight most effectively), or decreased stress (which of your body systems are most susceptible to stress and how can we overcome that and manage it and ultimately decrease that stress response), or decreased pain (where are the imbalances in your whole being as an entity and how will your body/mind/spirit be served best to restore those balances), or increased vitality, or more energy, or managing chronic “stuff” that you’re dealing with.

There’s no better time than NOW to start being a better you!! And I am ready with all the tools in my toolbox to help foster that change.



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