Those of you with kids will totally understand today’s plight: the weather is getting cooler, and my son had to wear pants to school. THE HORROR!!! After a summer of shorts every day, feeling fabric on your legs, apparently, is debilitating. Like, collapse in a heap on the floor, unable to move.

Change is never easy. We’re neurologically wired to crave routine. And we all become unsettled with change in our own way.

BUT, we need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. If we don’t change, we don’t grow. We don’t learn. We don’t better ourselves. Yes, habits and routine are easy and sometimes so automatic that it takes a great disruption to change them. Emotional eaters, for instance- something happens, you run for comfort food. And in the moment, it feels good and right. Self medicating. Sleeping. Bingeing on tv programs. It’s all so… comforting. But how do these behaviors move us forward? Improve us? Make us stronger, more fulfilled, more confident in our abilities? We all know they don’t. Won’t. Can’t.

SO, how do we get more comfortable with being uncomfortable? Well, as always, my answer changes based upon each individual person. Some of us handle changes better than others. Some of us LOVE a great routine and REALLY have a hard time with even minor changes (like wearing pants, apparently!). Change works best with a mindset and a plan. Not always possible, as sometimes significant changes are just thrown at us without warning, but let’s focus on making a small change of our own doing first. Making conscious decisions to change will help us deal with those unforeseen changes.

TODAY, pick something small to change. Want to quit caffeine? Take one half of a serving of your beverage of choice and swap it out for water. It’s 4 ounces. It’s do-able. Want to lose weight? Drink a glass of water before your next snack. Or portion out one serving of that snack into a plate or container, and stop eating when that portion is done. Need to feel better about yourself? Once a day, when negative thoughts roll around, answer them with a positive comeback comment. Plan for it. Make a sticky note. Be prepared.

Yes it’s uncomfortable. Yes it’s not easy. Not automatic. Requires some effort, planning, motivation. BUT we can all do this!! Some with lots of small steps, some with one big leap, but we can ALL improve, do better, become something greater. Do a little something every day that pushes you out of your comfort zone. That makes you uncomfortable. Over time, you can get comfortable with being uncomfortable. And great things can happen from it!!

Not sure where to start? Need help? I’m here for you!! Reach out and we can craft a plan together that will work for you. You’ve got this!!!



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